Near the airport ataturk



There are 90 hotels in Ataturk Airport that will be tare closed

  With the closure of the Atatürk Airport, at least 90 hotels in the region will be tendered. While most of the facilities in the region have been made due to AHL in the recent period, it is said that these facilities are faced with crisis by 4 billion dollars of investment.     World newspaper writer Ibrahim Ekinci, brought around 90 hotels around the Atatürk Airport. Reminding that Ataturk Airport will move on October 29, Ekinci said, "I counted 90 hotels in the 3-4 km circle of AHL. Of these 29's name is "airport hotel" extension. On the road from Küçükçekmece to Torium AVM, there are 18 hotels in the vicinity, 11 in the direction of Merter on the E5 and 5 more on the beach towards Zeytinburnu. In total, the number of hotels that receive customers from the airport is around 125! At ..
 When will Atatürk Airport be transported? 4Ağu

When will Atatürk Airport be transported?

 The second stage trainings started to move to Istanbul New Airport. In this context, field trainings are given to employees of airline, ground handling and other related companies   ORAT (Operation Preparation and Airport Transfer) process has accelerated in Istanbul New Airport. After the class trainings completed in June as part of the process started two years ago, field training has now begun to be provided to employees of airline, ground handling and other related companies.   According to the statement made by the IGA, 28 thousand 200 people will be given training, the program will be completed on September 28.   The trainings include training on the field, including aerodrome, terminal and baggage service areas, where the apron's license is included. In this frame, the subjec..
Ataturk airport hotels 14Eki

Ataturk airport hotels

Unfortunately, the Ataturk Airport Authority Zone in 2016 has been very stationary. The adversities experienced in Turkey in 2016 have prevented the arrival of foreign tourists to a great extent. However, huge investments have been made in the airport area, and many hotels with 5 stars have been opened. The uncertainty in our country and the terrorist incidents caused the foreign tourists, who are considering coming to Turkey for cultural tourism, to turn their direction to other countries. As such, the hotels in the Atatürk Airport region had to withdraw their room rates to the prices of 2012. This negative situation will of course be skipped and there is a great expectation that the Russian tourists coming to Istanbul have a positive expectation that these black days in the sector have a..
Ataturk Airport Taxi 13Ağu

Ataturk Airport Taxi

Atatürk airport taxi stops and taxi numbers are shared with you. Istanbul Atatürk Airport is the biggest airport in Turkey. You can see the moving life of Istanbul without making a landing at the airport. If you go out from the airport, every place echoes with yellow taxis and horn sounds. Although the yellow taxis used by local and foreign tourists for transportation purposes are extremely safe, there are not those who are victims of the passengers from time to time. Taxi fares are the most complaints of passengers. Some awake taxi drivers are defrauding customers. This situation unfortunately reflects in the regular people who do the work and the passengers cause the problem of trust to the taxi drivers. The second complaint is that foreign tourists visiting ataturk airport sell hotel ro..


Tursab suffered in 2015 due to the unfair competition on Two years of suicide is over. As a result of the lawsuit, Istanbul 5th Asliye Commercial Court is booking. Com decided to stop the activities of Turkey for preventive purposes.On the grounds that it is the cause of unfair competition, a decision was taken to stop the activities of, which was sued in 2015, in Turkey. Istanbul 5th Asliye Commercial Court filed with the file no 2015/1174 E. and the case of the case dated 29.03.2017 dictated that the company like would be able to access the hotels and accommodation facilities located in Turkey via the web site or via another address Marketing and marketing of these products, it was decided to write an article in the Information Technology ..