There are 90 hotels in Ataturk Airport that will be tare closed
With the closure of the Atatürk Airport, at least 90 hotels in the region will be tendered. While most of the facilities in the region have been made due to AHL in the recent pe..
With the closure of the Atatürk Airport, at least 90 hotels in the region will be tendered. While most of the facilities in the region have been made due to AHL in the recent pe..
The second stage trainings started to move to Istanbul New Airport. In this context, field trainings are given to employees of airline, ground handling and other related companies..
Istanbul atatürk airport Hotel is one of the most important and lively points of istanbul. It is the first time that our country has been introduced for our visit from outside Y..
Unfortunately, the Ataturk Airport Authority Zone in 2016 has been very stationary. The adversities experienced in Turkey in 2016 have prevented the arrival of foreign tourists to ..
Atatürk airport taxi stops and taxi numbers are shared with you. Istanbul Atatürk Airport is the biggest airport in Turkey. You can see the moving life of Istanbul without making a..
Tursab suffered in 2015 due to the unfair competition on Two years of suicide is over. As a result of the lawsuit, Istanbul 5th Asliye Commercial Court is booking. Com..
Bu yıl 57 incisi düzenlenecek Aysaf Uluslararası Ayakkabı Yan Sanayi Fuarı 03 mayıs'ta başlıyor. Her Yıl Ayakkabı sektörünün liderlerlerini biraraya getiren Fuar Bu Yılda büyük il..
ICCI - 23.Uluslararası Enerji ve Çevre Fuarı Başlıyor. 03 Mayıs 2017 Tarihinde başlayacak olan Uluslararası Enerji ve Çevre fuarına sektörün önde gelen 200 şirket katılıyor. Türkiy..
Beauty Eurasia 2017 - 13. Uluslararası Kozmetik, Güzellik Kuaför Fuarı / 13th International Cosmetics, Beauty, Hair Exhibition 13 .Uluslararası kozmetik Ve Kozmetik fuarı 27 ni..